Monday, January 7, 2008

Wafa Sultan and Islam - "It is a clash between civilization and backwardness"

Wafa Sultan, an apostate originally from Syria now in exile, explains very clearly how ridiculous the whole religion called Islam is.

Some of Wafa Sultan quotes:

"The Qur'an is a book of lies."

"It's not a clash of civilizations."

"It is satanic, a fabrication, but worse it is a book with orders to kill."

So, Muslim American Society, don't think that you can fool anyone here in the United States. Muslim American Society is an organization under the umbrella of Egyptian-born "Muslim brotherhood." The Brotherhood currently advocates suicide bombing attacks on civilians to fight Zionism, and its Palestinian wing Hamas targets both civilians and the military in Israel.

Those of you who claim to be a "moderate" Muslim are nothing but morons. Islam is not a religion, but a cult.

Listen to Wafa and determine whether or not the fictional book you were brainwashed to believe in as a child is really a reliable source??? Or you are so so brainwashed that you can't make the distinction?

Wafa Sultan - "I am not a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew. I am a secular human being."

So, those of you, and you know who you are, stop saying that Wafa Sultan is a "moderate" Muslim.

There is also another minuscule organization called "Muslims against Sharia", who have been harassing bloggers with insults especially women bloggers, I was one of their victims. They claim they want to reform Islam by changing/erasing verses from the Qur'an, the Hadith. They can change the Qur'an all the want, but they are simply changing a fictional book which promotes hatred and is based on lies already. Not to mention that the Qur'an was written 200 years after Muhammad died by dozens of individuals each having their own version.

They even have on the right column of their main blog page Wafa Sultan labeled as a "Prominent Moderate Muslim." LOL

See these pictures from their site and blog...

Muslims Against Sharia - Right Column

Right column continued - Wafa's name is on the bottom

Here is an enlarged picture of the column

They are most likely to be organizations who pretend to be supportive of a good cause, but in reality they are collecting money for terrorist organizations, recruiting, and spreading Jihad messages via books and pamphlets.


Anonymous said...
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Epona said...

Hi Siren
Please link to anything you want!
I have copied your Wafa Sultan video, she gets better all the time!
Yes I think they(MAS)are a bunch of kids, I'm not going to reply to them any more, there is no point!
All the Best
RS and (Epona, New BNP site)

Mila said...

“Siren, you are such a moron!”
Well hello there sharia peace loving people.

First of all, did I accuse you of being Muslim American Society?
I am very well aware of who they are as I am very familiar with the DC area politics, especially Virginia. And I know exactly who they are. I am really glad their former President, Esam Omeish, appointed by the VA governor had to resign. I wanted to mention them as most people are not yet aware of who they are and how they are a brunch of the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt. I also didn’t want to mention you and give you publicity as you are shameless and a scam. If you noticed, I wrote “there is ANOTHER miniscule…” and I didn’t put you in the tags for this post either.

Your manifesto….lol
I THINK I BELIEVE WAFA SULTAN BEFORE I BELIEVE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE AGAINST VIOLENCE BUT ALL THEY HAVE SHOWN ME IS VIOLENCE, INSULTS, ETC. Not once, you have proven to be somebody that I could have a civilized discussion with.

As far as your Dhimmi award picture, don’t even try and defend it. Putting up a picture of our Statue of Liberty with a Burka as an award is nothing but another insult with a very clear message behind you fake non-violence agenda. Moreover the picture said “Just Say No to Liberty”. That’s a very subtle insult alright!

As alway and with much love your kafir,

Fire Base America said...

MAS I too have seen your site. If the Statue of Liberty pic is meant as something other than how it looks to this average American citizen please explain.

The statue in a burka is disturbing enough but explain the "Just Say No to Liberty" line please. Why would you say that and what is your intention in using it?
And lets stop with the name calling it's not accomplishing anything other than getting everyone angry,and in turn they give angry responses and the messages are being missed.

Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

On 9/12/2001, I didn't give a rat's ass about Islam. To me, we were attacked by terrorists. No religion, no nation, no culture. Just evil scumbags.

Three years ago (when the cartoon protests begin), I began to realize there is something seriously wrong with Islam. But I still supported 'peaceful' muslims. The ones acting violently has to be a small minority.

Two years ago, when the Pope spoke the truth about Islam and muslimes responded with violent protests and riots, I started learning more about the "religion of peace." I read the quran and hadith. I read statements by mullahs and imams. I began speaking with apostates. I learned all I could.

Here's what I know to today:

1.) Islam is a death cult which thrives only because followers (mostly young, violent men) are willing to kill or be killed for the promise of paradise filled with sex-starved virgins. They are too stupid or too ignorant to think for themselves. Else they can, but just don't want to be decent human beings.

2.) Muslims cannot be trusted. Theirs is the only 'religion' that encourages the use of lies and deceit to defeat an enemy. Taqiyyah, kitman, makr and hudna are all forms of deceit used or approved by Muhammad. (BTW, the quran states that ALL unbelievers are the enemy of Islam [4:101, 8:59,60]. That means, if you are not a muslim, it is the duty of muslims to defeat you - either by subjugation, conversion, or slaughter [2:191,192]. It also means you are a criminal whose punishment is execution [5:33].)

3.) When a muslim defends his religion, he is either lying (see #2) or he ignorantly repeats what his mullahs have told him. Common arguments: "mistranslated from arabic" (ignoring the fact that it is arabic, muslim scholars who are doing the translations, and every translation shares the same meanings), "out of context" (and only the mullahs can provide context, since neither the quran or hadith includes what they claim is the proper context), "Christianity is violent too" (nevermind that christianity has evolved from the dark ages of cruelty to the civilized modern age, which islam has failed to do. Only muslims try to justify current Islamic violence with ancient christian violence.), "Islam forbids killing innocents/women/children" (ahem, that only applies to MUSLIM innocents/women/children [9:85]), "Jihadists are only a tiny minority of muslims" (polls in Indonesia, UK, and the US show as many as 40% of muslims approve of suicide bombings against innocent non-muslims to further Islam. That's just the percent willing to admit it)

4.) To be a muslim, you are required to accept such absurdities as the 'seal of prophets' or the sun sets in a muddy pond, and such abominations as a 57 year old savage having sexual intercourse with a 9 year old child. You'd have to accept slavery is an allah-given right. You'd have to accept raping an innocent woman after forcing her to witness her family's slaughter is just punishment for disbelief. You'd have to accept terrorism against innocent civilians is legitimate warfare. If you believe the above, I'd have to question your sense of morality, much less, your religion. Even the nicest, kindest muslim should be held accountable for this obscene belief system.

Muslims who oppose "Jihad" or the "Sharia" either are hypocrites, or they know nothing about their own religion.

Just my two cents. :)

Mila said...

You kids from Omaha,

“See definition of Violence?” Violence can be manifested in many ways. I would think you know that if you are so against sharia. You are certainly verbally violent.

About your answer to Spook,
"...when I do the “name calling” it is either a reciprocity or a response to something really, really stupid."

I believe you just called me a moron for passing you data about Wafa Sultan and also you posted a comment on the post “Liberals are clueless about Muslim extremist”:

“…Siren, if you weren't so fucking stupid you could have found this…” - What do you call that? Huh?

You say you want to get your reform Koran published and how you are risking your life for it. Well, you are not making any efforts to make friends either.

Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

"You are certainly verbally violent." If you weren’t a girl, I would say: “what a pussy! get over yourself!”

Did you already forgot how you insulted me on the other post called Saudi Lectures the west?

“When did we say that we are risking our lives? Unless someone figures out how to find us, we are not risking anything.”

On the Conservative Beach Girl blog

"...So, why are you objecting to being called a fucking moron? I think it is a very accurate and well-deserved description. And you would never admit when you are wrong. When we were wrong about Dr. Sultan remaining a Muslim, I admitted it as soon as I saw the evidence of that and our site was corrected. It doesn’t make you look stupid when you admit to being wrong, it’s the refusal to admit that does."

Did you take a look at the post lately???

I’m done with you boys. Have fun there in Nebraska.

Anonymous said...

mohammeds arselicking society,
OOoh I always wanted a fluffy pink pelt!
It amuses me that you called me gay, just because I said that I had only ever met muslim women that I liked. The reason for that is that if they were not so terrified and opressed by the men (well sort of men) in your stupid 'world domination programme' they would be like women the world over, pretty decent people!
mudhamed was so afraid of the power of women(not to want war and jihad) that he made sure that they had no rights at all and were terrorised from birth onwards.
I thoroughly enjoyed Dr Wafa Sultan's latest video, and like it or not guys there will be many more like her! You cannot stop a snowball once it starts rolling down a mountain, nor can you get very far with your electronic Jihad tactics, or your constant reference to other peoples 'stupidity'. As Dr Sultan quite righly said, Islam did not invent anything, it was the Jews and others. (This is not an exact quote in case you start feeling pederast, oops, Freudian slip, I meant pedantic)We WERE dumb to allow you morons to have access to our technology and the benefit of our educational facilities, but we can still kick your asses despite all this! Our military are far superior to yours, and dhimmitude has a habit of wearing off. More motoons are on their way, then you can all jump up and down with silly placards, hiding behind masks, while we laugh at you on TV!
Your days are numbered! Morons!

DMartyr said...

MAS: "Coming from a moron whose Islamic knowledge consists of pasting excerpts form websites, which are passed as his own conclusion, this carries a lot of weight."

Lol! I always know I've won a debate when my opposition has no response other than insults.

Exactly, what did I cut & paste? Everything I wrote was my own words. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Look, MAS, I think you and your MAS friends have your hearts in the right place, but defending Islam is like trying to defend pedophilia. Both are abhorrent ideologies which cause needless suffering to innocents. You are trying to defend a savage, bigoted, oppressive cult by attempting to remove just the bad parts. It's like trying to pick up a piece of crap by the clean end.

Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

Well, MAS, since you admit it, I'd be willing to forgive.

Seriously, don't you think your ideas would be more receptive to us infidels if you a) admitted the obvious fallacies of your religion, and b) stop running from blog to blog insulting instead of educating by using derogatory terms like "kaffur" (BTW, that's "Kuffar").

Hey, I'm still waiting for you to point out what I pasted from other websites.

Man Of The Woods said...

Nice to hear a little honesty from MAS.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

Lol, as I stated muslims would often do, MAS attempts to defend the current state of islam by comparing it to christianity centuries ago.

Pedophilia does have an ideology to promote it. Try looking it up. I never said it was a political ideology. Islam, Islamism, political Islam, call it what you want. But it certainly isn't a religion. It is an entire way of life that dictates politics, government, religion, morality, criminal justice, public affairs, private affairs, who you befriend, who you reject as a friend, who you marry, who you rape, who you enslave,who you can embrace and show mercy, and who you should kill without remorse - basically every waking moment of a human being's life. (Watch out for the devil while you sleep, he sleeps in your nose...)

MAS, you really don't help your cause at all with your vehement insult slinging. It's all just fuel for bloggers who may be undecided about MAS.

I'm STILL waiting for you to identify the comments you claim I pasted from other sites. And while you're at it, you could better defend Islam by refuting something I said about the cult, instead of just stating I'm wrong then hurling insults.

Really, I'm trying to help you here. No one more than I do wants to see muslims speaking out against "Islamism." (Happy?) I just want some integrity.

DMartyr said...

One other question, MAS -

When you call pedophilia a sexual perversion, do you mean in the way, say... just off the top of my head..., that it would be a perversion for a 54 year old man to rape a 9 year old little girl?

Or would you consider that a different type of perversion?

Just curious. :)

(BTW, still waiting for you to identify the text I copied from another site and passed off as my own!)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Man Of The Woods said...


Really! A Fake! I would never have guessed. I suppose that means I'm just a moronic dumbfuck.

You Muslim Americans really are eloquent.

I'm aware our British humour can be a little dry so just incase it escaped your notice, I'm being sarcastic.

Tally Ho ..

DMartyr said...

"Twenty-first century Muslims have two options: we can continue the barbaric policies of the seventh century perpetuated by Hassan al-Banna, Abdullah Azzam, Yassir Arafat, Ruhollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, Hizballah, Hamas, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, etc., leading to a global war between Dar al-Islam (Islamic World) and Dar al-Harb (non-Islamic World), or we can reform Islam to keep our rich cultural heritage and to cleanse our religion from the reviled relics of the past."

ROFL! Can you not see the one GLARING contradiction in your statement above? Islam **IS** a 7th century barbarity. That's the whole problem with the death cult. And you want to clean it up for the 21st century. Good luck.

Tell me what I made up? First you said I was pasting from other sites, now you say I'm just making stuff up. Yet you've offered NOTHING to dispute any of it.

BTW, the statement you say I made "MAS attempts to defend the current state of islam" is out of context. But I guess you muslims know all about context, eh, since your whole 'KILL THE INFIDELS' quran is out of context.

Here is my statement, in context:

Me: (in first post here, #3) Common arguments muslims use - "Christianity is violent too"

Me: You are trying to defend a savage, bigoted, oppressive cult

You: Are you by any chance referring to Christianity in the times of the Inquisition? Or Christianity in the times of Ghettos? Or Christianity in the times of Pogroms?

Me: Lol, as I stated muslims would often do, MAS attempts to defend the current state of islam by comparing it to christianity centuries ago.

Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

"Yes. As you can read in our manifesto, "Any practices that might have been acceptable in the Seventh Century; i.e., stoning, cutting off body parts, marrying and/or having sex with children or animals, must be condemned by every Muslim.""

I see. So allah was wrong in telling Mo he could rape a little girl? Allah changed his mind to suit more civilized societies?

Allahu Achbar!

Sure, we can talk about pedophilia in the bible. I'm not a christian, but go for it. Then we'll discuss which of the two religions (or cult) STILL condones such depravities as rape, child-marriages, thighing babies, and slavery.

Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

Hey MAS,

You make no sense!

How many little girls Jesus raped/married?

Why didn’t Allah tell Jesus he could have multiple wives including children, but he let Muhammad have them?

You say that child brides are wrong. So, are you saying that Allah was wrong for letting Muhammad rape a child, or did he just like Muhammad more than little girls?

Please explain this.

Oh, one more question. What do you do for a living?

DMartyr said...

“Tell me what I made up?”
“To be a muslim, you are required to accept such absurdities as the 'seal of prophets' or the sun sets in a muddy pond”

From the hadith [Bukhari vol.1, no.189] "I stood behind Muhammad and saw he had the seal of Prophethood between his shoulders, it was like the zir-al-hijla (that means a button of a tent or the egg of a partridge)."

From the quran (surah 18:86) "...and when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water."

“I was pasting from other sites”
“When a muslim defends his religion, he is either lying (see #2) or he ignorantly repeats what his mullahs have told him.”

I made that statement. It was not pasted from another site. If you insist it was, I'd have to challenge you to present a link.

So, you're a proven liar (see #2 in my first post, this page.) Anything else you say must be pure taqiyyah!

DMartyr said...

Hey, MAS! A little trivia -

Why did Muhammad think Jews were rats?

Because rats wouldn't drink camel milk, and Jews were forbidden to drink camel milk! [Bukhari, vol. 4, no. 524]

Muhammad was ignorant, but I guess he was smart enough to fool 1.2 billion people.

(Now you can tell us about how some parts of the hadith are rejected by a majority of muslims, etc, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

Mudslime and shite

"Even Dr. Sultan is not always correct. If it weren’t for Muslims, you’d still be using Roman numerals".


The so called arabic numerals are actually Hindu numerial. Arabs took it from India and introduced elsewhere. Al-Khwarizmi wrote On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals. Algoritmi de numero Indorum ("al-Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning") on Arithmetic, which survived in a Latin translation but was lost in the original Arabic. The work on arithmetic first introduced the Hindu numbers to Europe, as the very name algorism signifies.

The only technology you ever had is that which you stole from the people you enslaved, you did not invent zero, that also was from the Hindus.

Basically you steal knowledge and claim it as your own. But sometime you prove your ignorance.

"Quran plagiarised the wrong theory of ancient Greek scientists who believed that Semen originates from the backbone." Apostates

Evolutionary throwbacks, all you can do is steal from the lands you invade and get the dhimmis to do the real work for you, while you sit on your fat asses like Jabba the Hutt (that cunt in Saudi).

If I had the power I would nuke you twats to oblivion, you don't even belong in our galaxy!

You have done nothing whatsoever to benefit Humanity, because basically you are a much lower life form. No dialogue, no platform is what most of us Brits are beginning to realise, you drug dealing scumbags, child rapists and parasites.

Your idea of military superiority is to bomb folk who are innocent.
9/11 woke me up, and I put the US flag in my window.

If just one of you fuckers challenged me to a fight I would kill you!

You really do not know anything about the beserka temprement of the Northern Europeans do you?

My ancestors were Vikings and Celts, you are nothing but excrement. Blowing yourselves up in the name of allah (Loki to us)is a totally cowardly act not bravery at all.


I apologise for all this profanity, but these people make me want to throw up, and I really don't think they are worth the effort.

That image of the Statue of Liberty on their site is an insult.
Vote for Ron Paul and get the bastards out!

Mila said...

No problem Pink Hampster. They're asking for it.

You and I and so many others are allies.

Thanks Dmartyr! You are esposing their ignorance to Islam.

Anonymous said...
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Man Of The Woods said...

"Mecca-nized Infantry (eight Islamaniax riding camels with hand grenades strapped to their chests attacking an armored column) is a more formidable force that your military."

How very "moderate" of you MAS.

Forgive my ignorance (I have not had the experience of 1400 years of spreading my beliefs through violence, slavery and deceit), but aren't grenades supposed to be thrown in order that any explosion occurs away from the person who is throwing it, thus allowing them to throw another grenade if the need arises. Surely, stapping it to ones own person defeats the object somewhat. Only a "moron" or a "dumbfuck" would use such a weapon in this manner.

Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

I'll speak English for you. I just reported you to DOJ. If you have a sitemeter, you'll notice you'll have a few DC/VA hits (maybe they are masked by other agencies, such as DOS or DOT). Why do you think I've been so quite?
And our military will go after you before they go after Pink Hampster and Man of the Woods. The British are more allies to us than you are or could ever be.
It is not your military.
You are not American!
This is not your country. Get out!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

By the amt. of time you spend fighting and insulting on many blogs simultaneously, I say that you do nothing productive. It is you who is probably on welfare.
I read the constitution and from now on you are no longer welcome here. So none of your comments will show.
I work my ass off and support our troops more than you do and anybody in my country's military will agree with me.
I could probaby count hundreds of grammar/spelling errors on your comments.
And, no they didn't laugh as I actually work with them.

Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

Whatever, MAS. I've proven you wrong on several accounts.

You claim I copied my info from other sites, but you cannot provide one sentence that came from another site.

You claim I made stuff up, but I provided verses from the quran and hadith to back it up.

You claim only a 'shithead' would believe something like the sun setting in a muddy pond. I guess you're saying Mo was a shithead, since he recited the quran from allah, and the quran is supposed to be the word of allah. (Or maybe you're saying allah is a shithead?) It's your 'holy' book, dude. Muslims are required to believe it. If they doubt or question anything in it, allah knows and allah condemns. ;)

The seal of prophets was accepted evidence during Mo's time that he was a true prophet.

I'd hesitate to call all muslims idiots, but they certainly are the most gullible.

Siren: “How many little girls Jesus raped/married?”

MAS: None. What’s your fucking point?

The fucking point is that Christianity was more decent 600 years before Muhammad started his deranged warpath against humanity. 1400 years later, you fucking muslimes are still wallowing in the dark ages trying to pass off the bloodfest you call the 'religion of peace' as a legitimate faith.

Siren: “You say that child brides are wrong. So, are you saying that Allah was wrong for letting Muhammad rape a child, or did he just like Muhammad more than little girls?”

MAS: No. People have free will. Allah let your parents have you, didn’t he? Some people would consider it a bigger atrocity than raping a child.

Minimizing the horrible Islamic practice of traumatizing and raping children? You are truly a scumbag, MAS. A muslime through and through.

BTW, Mo claims allah told him he could have Aisha in a dream. I guess allah's messenger was more than happy to use his free will to harm a child for his own perverted lusts. And you muslimes worship him for it.

And we all know how Jesus married rich women, thighed a little girl - raping her at just 9, and how He ordered his men to slaughter enemy men and boys then rape their wives and mothers while the ground was still wet with blood...

It amazes me when muslimes try to compare Jesus and Muhammad as equal 'prophets'. The fact you, MAS, can't see the savagery of your own 'faith' tells me you're no better than a pedophile. A pedophile only cares about fulfilling his own sick lusts. He is more than willing to sacrifice innocent lives to get off. Muslimes are the same. They'd sacrifice the entire world - including their own children - for that eternal sex with those 72 virgins in Muhammad's imaginary paradise.

Condemn terrorism and Islamic violence all you want, but I see you're still a consummate muslime. Try thinking for yourself for a change, MAS. Try to ask yourself what positive thing Muhammad contributed to the world as a whole. Ask yourself what he ever did to deserve being called a messenger of any God. If you are honest with yourself, you'll realize he did nothing. He was a scam artist. He was a child molester, he was a rapist, a murderer, a terrorist. Is that really who you want to follow?

Mila said...

Hey Dmartyr,
Check this link:

Anonymous said...
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Muslims Against Sharia said...
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Anonymous said...
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DMartyr said...

MAS: are you saying the quran doesn't refer to the sun setting into "murky water"? Please then, tell us infidels what 18:86 really says...

Fuck you and your entire perverted religion. If you honestly believe you can change Islam, you are either extremely stupid or completely clueless about Islam.

From your manifesto (I'll take your word it's there anyway): "Any practices that might have been acceptable in the Seventh Century; i.e., stoning, cutting off body parts, marrying and/or having sex with children or animals, must be condemned by every Muslim."

Muhammad is the good example for all muslime men to follow [surah 33:21]. Are you seriously going to tell a billion blood thirsty lunatics their "good example" sent by allah himself was wrong and immoral? I don't think you even have the balls to display a cartoon of Muhammad, much less tell other muslimes Mo was immoral.

Muslimes molest, rape, murder, plunder, kill, torture, enslave to this very day because Muhammad is that "good example" sent by satan himself, allah.

Fuck off, MAS. The day all people who are forced into Islam can feel safe enough and free enough to leave without fear of being murdered by some muslime lunatic, the day Islamic societies implode by their own inefficiencies, the day all violent muslimes and Islamic regimes self-destruct and slaughter each other in the bloodbath they so much enjoy, the day Mecca becomes a sheet of glass - that will be the day the world will finally be at peace.

Know Islam, no peace.
No Islam, know peace.

Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

If you answer what Dmartyr asks then I won't delete it. But, surely she is the one destroying you and your pathetic existence.

Anonymous said...
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Mila said...

"Dumbass with delusions of grandeur? Who knew!"

Projecting yourselves. Very good!

You can't even respond to Dmartyr and that's why you are reduced to comment idiotic and childish things.

Oh, that's right you need to do some research before you respond to her.

Until you don't respond to her you will not get any comments posted. Is that clear? You probably won't comment because you know he is right...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quotes, dumbasses :)

DMartyr said...

MAS: "Thanks for the quotes, dumbasses :)"

No problem, MAS! So long as you don't quote us out of context, Mr. "there are plenty of stupid people in the world that will believe what we say" Muslim Against the Sharia.