Saturday, January 12, 2008

Feminists Not Standing Against "Honor Killings"

Why aren't the feminists not standing against "honor killings"?

One would think that they will be yelling in outraged against all the violations of basic women's rights in the Middle-East and here in the West as well. Well it appears that they have chosen the silent method. All the largest national feminist organizations say nothing about Sharia, the Islamic law that makes it legal for a man to kill his wife, sister, and even his daughter if she was even seen in public with a male who was not a relative.

Watch this video to get an idea what these feminist do, or actually don't do...

And how dare they quote Ayaan Hirsi Ali!

Feminists. Shame on you useless women!


Red Squirrel said...

Hi Siren,
This issue has been on my mind for some time now, and it really perplexes me.
They all seem to have their heads up their liberal college - indoctrinated asse's!
I was about 15yrs old when I became aware of the feminist movement. (And I actually took the meaning of bra -burning literally, and lit a small bonfire for the purpose LOL)
I was very hopeful that women would have 'equal status' in employment and more rights as individuals.Which did appear to happen. But look at us now, women, well in the UK anyway, still do not on average earn as much as men, and working class women's lot has improved very little.
Basically it was yet another Marxist inspired attempt to destabalise the family unit,and in many ways it succeeded! There are so many single mothers on welfare, and their children suffer because of it.
There is a strong connection between the young,amoral violent thugs that form gangs, beating people up for no reason, and having to grow up without a positive male role model.
Meanwhile the so called 'intellectual marxist feminists'have taken over the BBC, along with the 'gay' men and produce the most mind numbingly boring reality TV shows etc. Our TV now gathers dust in the corner and is a handy surface for a large potted plant!
Obviously there are some really good National Geographic and History channels, but that is because the reds have not begun to alter History there,yet!
Feminist's have become traitors to their own gender!
When I had a few msn blogs,I had one of them devoted to Human Rights issues. One of my entries was 'Can Women save Africa?'.I had found that there were some brave women standing up for their rights,and for the rights of men also, one of whom was a Muslim.
I got a cople of comments,one was from an Angolan woman, who told me about Nzinga an African Warrior Queen, who she likened to our Boudicca.

Well, we need far more brave Wafa Sultan's and Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, to help women to rebel en masse against Islam, and I really do hope that it can happen!
Mudhammed certainly knew that few women would ever support Jihad, and had to be totally subjected, demoralised and in fear of their lives at all times. Honour killings, as you know are becoming more and more frequent in the West and it is truly disgusting.
Women the world over, from whatever ethnicity or cultural background do have something in common. A desire for a peaceful and productive life, and hold the key to the destruction of Islam itself.
I was in a shop owned by a Christian Nigerian woman in town, about 3 years ago. And two young thugs came in and started messing about with wigs, and being abusive.
Kate, who owns the shop and has been here for 30 years, as a good British Citizen, tried to get these idiots to leave, but they just got worse. I was at the back of the shop(looking at some hair peices)and I suddenly felt enraged and dashed to help.One of these men said " Why are you bothered,it's only Black people's stuff?"I basically threw him out of the shop(and almost over the balcony as well) The women in the shop were astounded, especially two Somalian's (both pregnant,and with small children as they usually are)
"We never seen woman attack man before". One of them said.
It was my duty, I felt,to protect them!I am middle aged and not really all that strong, (except when angry lol)
I think that what I am trying to illustrate here is that although I certainly want to see all these Islamics, illegals and opportunists shipped out ASAP, it doesn't mean that a minority of decent, law abiding Blacks should be forced to leave!
I heard from a fellow BNP member yesterday who had been on a mass leafleting campaign in london. He told me that now some of the non Muslim Blacks and Asians were intending to vote BNP, because their neighbourhoods had become unbearable, mosques being built everywhere and the violent behaviour of the mudslimes towards them!
Well I hope they keep to their word!
Times are changing:-)
Take care.

Fire Base America said...

Hello RS! Excellent comment, ironically today I was watching tv(sorry, the tele!)and the news began talking about how feminists in the NOW organization here in the US were outraged at left wingnut Senator Ted Kennedy for backing Barack Obama.

They were angry that he wasn't backing the woman candidate. I remember thinking at that very moment, "gee where is their public outrage over women being oppressed in Islam"?

Where is all that anger when young teenage girls are murdered by their male family members for so-called honor? You can hear crickets chirping when that happens.

There are so many women of different creeds and color who see how things are different in the west and they silently yearn for the freedom we all have.

They would be great allies in our fight if they could just break free.