Friday, January 4, 2008

ISLAM'S Plot to Take Over Philadelphia!!

Philadelphia was our first capital. It is where George Washington was given command of the Continental Army in Independence Hall. It is where the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the Constitution drafted.

Now the increasing Muslim community of Philly is trying to gain command and claim it. This article by Front Page Magazine clearly shows how the Muslims with ties to Palestinian suicide bombings, terrorist attacks against American troops, etc. are actively doing so.

Here is an excerpt:

"The history of the United States runs through Philadelphia. It is there that the American Revolution was born. However, a new revolution threatens to take hold of Philly, a Muslim one. It is led by one of Philadelphia’s favorite sons, singer/songwriter/producer Kenny Gamble (a.k.a. Luqman Abdul Haqq), who has a master plan to renovate a once great part of the city using taxpayers’ money. While on face value his intentions appear to be worthy, Gamble’s revitalization plan for Philadelphia has sinister implications, leading to the question: Will Philadelphia remain “the City of Brotherly Love” or will it become a city of Muslim Brotherly hate?"

Kenny Gamble (a.k.a. Luqman Abdul Haqq)

“The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) or Ikhwan in America exists, in large part, within two immigrant populations. One is the Arab Muslim community, falling under the aegis of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and to a smaller extent the Muslim American Society (MAS). The other is the South Asian Muslim community, positioned under the umbrella of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a subsidiary of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) in Pakistan. These groups form the core of MB America.”

The article goes on to describe a group called MANA, which has very close ties to CAIR and other “Muslim Brotherhood” organizations:

“One of the functions of MANA is to hold yearly conferences. The group’s most recent event took place this past November in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, entitled ‘The State of the Black American Muslim Community.’ At the affair, certain outside organizations, such as CAIR, were permitted to set up shop to showcase their materials. One of the groups, the Philadelphia-based International Islamic Information Network (IIIN), propagates lectures given by Saleh as-Suhaimi, who stated during one of his speeches that a wife needs to practice “obedience” to her husband and cannot go “outside the house without his permission,” and if “it comes to a point where he has to hit her, that it does not break the skin or does not break a bone or does not leave a mark or a bruise…”

“…(the) goal and objective is to be involved in the political, the social, the economic, educational activities that go on that make up all those systems that make up a community. Our goal is to build both a central Masjid in the City of Philadelphia and a strong organization responding to social, economical, political, educational, and religious needs facing our communities.”

The Masjid in Central Philadelphia

One would assume that Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, born to Jewish American parents from New York City could never allow the Muslim community in Philly to grow this much and moreover, to receive such nice amts. of cash from Gamble. WRONG!

Read this other excerpt:

“One can say that Mayor Street and Governor Ed Rendell have been kind to Gamble because of what they believe he offers to his community. However, one cannot overlook the kindness that Gamble has provided both of them. According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, between June of 2001 and April of 2006, Kenneth Gamble has contributed $44,000 and $27,000, respectively, to Street’s and Rendell’s campaigns for Mayor and Governor.”

Somehow all this doesn’t surprise me, as Pennsylvania’s Governor Rendell is a socialist/liberal democrat. What is nice to see is how close he is with the Clintons…

What a nice picture!!! Hillary, Pelosi, and Rendell all in the same room making decisions on how to improve our relations with terrorists by giving Philadelphia away to people like Kenny Gamble. Did I mention Gamble’s ties with Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) in Pakistan? Also his ties with Hamas?

Governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell

He has been suggested as a possible Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (GO FIGURE) if a future Democratic administration assumes in 2008. God please NO!

I was going to say, let’s keep Philadelphia clean!

But at this point I say let’s CLEAN Philadelphia!

Central Philadelphia – close to South St.

If things continue as they are going, very soon the city of Philadelphia will be experiencing its first taste of Sharia law – a sad note indeed for America’s birthplace.

It sure looks like they’re trying to do the same thing they did in the UK. And it always comes back to what all the imams and the ayatollahs all say… “We will establish a global caliphate, hopefully by preaching, otherwise, by force."


Go Eagles again!!

Don't blame me! I rooted for Edwards...


Fire Base America said...

Great post Siren. Go Eagles?! Whooooa girl!!

Anonymous said...

Scaring and Stricking!!!The democrats never see any danger anyplace.

Anonymous said...

Good job siren! This blog has a great future! Keep on going!