Monday, February 4, 2008

Honour Killings in the UK

Study alleges 'honour killings' conspiracy

Whole communities are involved in assisting and covering up "honour violence" in Britain, a new study says.

Informal networks of taxi drivers, councillors and sometimes even police officers track down and return women who try to escape, researchers claim.

A report by the Centre for Social Cohesion - an offshoot of the right-wing think-tank Civitas, whose advisors include the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey and the Labour backbencher Frank Field - alleges that the problem exists in the country's Muslim, Sikh and Hindu communities, even among second-generation immigrants.

Women have been raped, abused and even killed for forming "inappropriate" relationships or merely for wanting to go to university. The report found that:

• Women may be attacked for nothing more than listening to western music

• Families have imported brides to work in prostitution

• Local authorities are not acting because of "political correctness" and a fear of being accused of racism.

Many South Asian men brought up in this country want to marry uneducated women, known as "freshies", who are "uncontaminated" by ideas of female independence, the report, published tomorrow says.

It comes days after Vernon Coaker, a Home Office minister, disclosed that the Government's forced marriage unit dealt with 400 cases last year.

Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for Keighley, welcomed the findings. "In most communities people will condemn domestic violence, but in Asian communities, the religious and secular leaders are either turning a blind eye or actually condoning it," she said.

Nazir Afzal, the lead on honour-based violence for the Crown Prosecution Service, said that the problem was particularly acute in areas where Islamic extremist groups were active.

He said that the problem was so deeply buried in these communities that the police were having to resort to unusual tactics to tackle it.

"We are now using techniques usually used to fight organised crime to tackle this. We're using covert officers, listening devices and other methods," he said.

Following the murder of Banaz Mahmod, a Kurdish woman who had pleaded with police to protect her against her family in south London, Mr Afzal said that "substantial numbers of the community actually did not assist and support prosecutors. Instead they supported the family members who were responsible for the killing".

He said: "In some northern towns there are real horror stories - from places like Blackburn where people say that you might as well be in rural Kashmir for all the way that women are seen and treated."

One woman every month is the victim of an "honour" killing, the CPS says.

"This has been a silent and invisible practice for too long," says Shahien Taj, the director of the Henna Foundation, a women's group based in Cardiff.

*Enough of the Labour party. It's time for Britain to start sweeping and bring in another Margaret Tatcher.

By Jonathan Wynne-Jones

Graphic Images of Honor Killings

Dua Khalil Aswad, The teenager was dragged outside by 8 or 9 men and stoned for half an hour until she died. Her boyfriend is now in hiding in fear for his life

Hanged for being raped

Burnt for being raped by a relative

*Yes. That's Sharia the Islamic law.

H/T NukeSpook


DMartyr said...

Brutality and "honor" killings are the worse of the worst islam has to offer. How these savages can treat their own families this way - it is just incomprehesible to me. I wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy.

As for the Dua Khalil Aswad video, I've never found the strength to watch it. A half an hour this poor girl suffered. It wasn't enough her family (yes, the men involved were male relatives) had to kill her, they had to torture her. These people are primitive beasts. Once they smell blood, it starts them into a frenzy of savagery.

I know some muslime is going to say "they weren't muslims! they were Yazidi!" But they can't deny that the Yazidis have adopted the islamic practices still in use today, including stoning.

I have lost all sympathy for them. The only muslims I care anything about are those force to remain in the cult for fear of their lives or for their children's lives. All others can go to hell for all I care.

Shameless plug: Siren, be sure to check out my new video! :)

Indigo Red said...

Nice try, Siren, but you will not convince me to have anyhing but contempt for the barbarous savages of islam. Showing photos of muslims just having fun is not enough to sway me from the xenophobe path.

Mila said...

Thanks women for your support.
I know these pictures are graphic, but we can't hide the truth...

I watched the video of Dua and it made me sick, but I forced myself to watch it. It amazes me how even family members can do that. That's something I will NEVER understand. I would expect a little compassion from the families, but apparently most Muslims don't value family. Sure...they claim they value it as they try to honor it by murdering their own publicly. How can they live with themselves? Filthy rats... And then they use retarded women as suicide bombers. They are sure very valiant... lol

They will all go to hell. Or they will pay for it somehow...