New Obama headquarters in Houston, TX ... displaying an "El Che" flag. Please take a look at the video where you will see the flag displayed at the begining.
What else is next?
As a friend put it - " adds just enough of that Murderous Communist appeal, don't you think?" (Hat:Tip Protest Warrior)
I will also add the Marxist socialist appeal and the lack of intelligence. Manchurian buffoon!!
Is he trying to get the hispanic vote? What??? Unbelievable! This guy is such a joke. Just think about it. Why would the Obama headquarters in Houston, TX have a flag of "El Che" (please wiki "El Che Guevara"), someone who was a young and confused teenager, who allied with the communists by trying to provoke social revolutions, which brought nothing but a lack of development to South and Central America? Need I mention his failures in Africa? What a joke!
Obama and El Che screenshot from the video
H/T - Protest Warrior
Here is the youtube...
And just in case youtube deletes it, here is a link to the whole video from Fox - Fox Houston, TX
nicely works fine. Hopefully it'll stay working. I think, with all the exposure this story can get, that flag won't be hanging there by morning.
I wonder who is behind Obama's increising donations!
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